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Final Steel Beam Raised at 澳博官方网站app’s New Global Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue

300多名当地的钢铁工人和数百名工程师, 起重机操作员和建筑工人竖立了1,388英尺的钢架三年使用超过93个,600 tons of US made and fabricated steel; building expected to open by the end of 2025

澳博官方网站app董事长 & 首席执行官杰米•戴蒙, 纽约州州长凯西·霍赫尔说, 纽约市市长埃里克·亚当斯说 and local officials celebrate key milestone with construction workforce

Firm is one of New York City’s largest employers and contributors to the local economy

  • 新大楼将容纳约1.4万名员工
  • 该项目为40个地方工会创造了8000个建筑工作岗位
  • 德勤的研究显示,澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)贡献了29美元.每年为城市经济贡献80亿美元, 刺激额外的40人,在当地各行各业创造了1000个就业机会

纽约,2023年11月20日 澳博官方网站app董事长 & 首席执行官杰米•戴蒙, 纽约州州长凯西·霍赫尔说, 纽约市市长埃里克·亚当斯说 and local officials were onsite today to thank the construction workforce as the final steel beam was raised to complete the framing for the firm’s 1,388英尺的, 最先进的全球总部位于公园大道270号.

这座60层的建筑将容纳大约14人,000 employees as 澳博官方网站app remains one of New York City’s largest employers and contributors to the local economy. 仅在建筑期间, 该项目将创造超过8个,000 construction jobs from across 40 local unions – triggering additional economic activity of $2.给纽约市60亿美元. An independent study by Deloitte found that through 澳博官方网站app’s tens of thousands of local employees and operations, 公司产生了29美元.每年为纽约市的经济活动贡献80亿美元, 刺激额外的40人,在当地的几个行业提供了1000个工作岗位.

澳博官方网站app is proud to have called New York City home for more than 200 years and this building is a symbol of our long-term investment that will impact future generations of New Yorkers,” 戴蒙. “I am so proud of the exceptional and dedicated team of people who have worked through very challenging conditions to get the job done and complete this phase of the project.”

“这个项目标志着纽约经济复苏的一个重要里程碑,” 州长凯西·霍赫尔 说. “由美国制造的钢铁和纽约工会工人建造, the new 澳博官方网站app headquarters on Park Avenue will generate economic activity for our state and welcome tens of thousands for workers.”

“New York City has regained all of the jobs it lost during the pandemic – and we’re not stopping there,” 纽约市市长埃里克·亚当斯说. 澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)和纽约各地的公司都在纽约加倍下注, 因为世界上没有比这里更有人才的城市了, 多样性, 以及成长的机会. 这个项目已经产生了2美元.60亿美元的经济活动,000个高薪的工会工作, 我们知道这仅仅是个开始, 因为当公司把赌注押在纽约时, 我们都是赢家.”

The building’s steel frame was erected over the last three years by more than 300 Local 40 iron workers as well as hundreds of engineers, 起重机操作员和建筑工人使用93多台,600吨美国产钢材,由Banker钢铁公司制造. 所用的结构钢93%可回收,100%可回收, 这是一种谨慎的建筑材料选择.

The construction project is managed by AECOM Tishman with New York City Constructors overseeing the frame’s installation and Severud Associates serving as the structural engineer.

公园大道270号的顶层. represents a milestone of yet another key development project that not only created thousands of family-sustaining union careers for hardworking New Yorkers, 同时也为我们的经济注入了活力,” Gary LaBarbera, President of Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York. “We congratulate both 澳博官方网站app on this milestone and our dedicated and skilled tradesmen and tradeswomen who masterfully and efficiently got us here today. The success of this development shows the value of continuing to encourage investment in New York City and green light projects that pave accessible pathways to the middle class and create critical economic stimulus that benefits all New Yorkers.”

“Today marks an important milestone as we celebrate the extraordinary efforts of iron workers who have raised, 将这个令人惊叹的建筑的框架连接在一起,” 市议员凯斯·鲍尔斯说. “And it signifies we are getting close to the completion of this major development – the first under the East Midtown rezoning plan – that will keep good, well-paying jobs in our community and bring important public improvements such as enhanced public space and transportation upgrades for all who live, 工作和参观该地区.”

公园大道270号, 新的澳博官方网站app大厦, 一个标志性的项目是一生中只发生一次吗. 大约94岁,000吨,不到1吨,400英尺, 这座塔不仅吨位巨大, 但却是纽约市最大的一家. We are extremely proud to have fabricated and erected the steel structure of this incredible project in partnership with Tishman Construction,” 唐·班克,班克钢铁公司首席执行官是DBM Global Inc .的子公司.

“公园大道270号无疑将成为纽约市最具标志性的地址之一, and we are proud to recognize it as the latest of AECOM Tishman’s skyline-shaping projects over our 125 year history,” John Kovacs, AECOM Tishman首席运营官. “我们很荣幸能成为建设这个历史性项目的团队的一员, 并有幸与澳博官方网站app并肩工作, Tishman-Speyer and a team of world-class designers and trade contractors to turn this vision into a reality. 我们感谢澳博官方网站app为纽约市的未来投资, 帮助推动经济发展, 并为中城东区创造一个繁荣的社区.”

Redefining the modern workplace with flexible design focused on sustainability, 健康和福利

由福斯特建筑事务所设计, the 60-story skyscraper will be New York City’s largest all-electric tower with net zero operational emissions and exceptional indoor air quality that exceeds the highest standards in sustainability, 健康和福利. 它将帮助定义21个现代工作场所st 世纪基础设施,智能技术和2.5 million square feet of flexible and collaborative space that can easily adapt to the future of work.

该建筑将提供2.公园和麦迪逊大道一层的户外空间增加了5倍, featuring wider sidewalks and a large public plaza on Madison Avenue with natural green space and other amenities geared towards the residents, 每天在附近出没的工人和游客.

“今天看到最后一根梁被安置在它的位置上是一个具有象征意义的时刻, 当你真正体会到项目的规模和澳博官方网站app的野心时,” 福斯特建筑事务所创始人兼执行主席诺曼·福斯特说. “能成为车队的一员,和工程师们步调一致,真是难以置信, 制造商, other contractors and the construction workers – all working tirelessly to bring our collective vision to life.”


关于澳博官方网站app & Co.

澳博官方网站app serves New York City consumers and small businesses through more than 290 追逐 branches across all five boroughs, 其中近40个分支机构提供免费讲习班, 为小企业提供技能培训和支持. 澳博官方网站app投资超过4美元.8 billion in community development and financed more than 58,000 affordable homes in New York City.

欲了解更多澳博官方网站app对纽约市的影响,请访问 okanaganelderlaw.com/impact/communities/our-markets/new-york-city.

澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in the United States of America (“U.S.),业务遍及全球. 澳博官方网站app为3美元.截至2023年9月30日,拥有9万亿美元的资产和3170亿美元的股东权益. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 财务事务处理和资产管理. 在J下面.P. 该公司拥有摩根和大通品牌,为美国数百万客户提供服务.S., and many of the world’s most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients globally. 关于澳博官方网站app的信息 & Co. 可在 2.okanaganelderlaw.com.

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